Did you know that we have plastic in our bodies?

A recent study has shown that the entire adult population of the EU has bisphenol A (BPA) in their bodies.

A staggering 2,756 tests on individuals in 11 countries have confirmed a very significant presence of BPA in the bodies of adults, which is considered a representative sample of the whole population. 

The research, as part of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU), involving the European Commission, the European Environment Agency and institutions from 28 countries, has shown that bisphenol A is present in the body of the population.

The NGO Hogar Sin Tóxicos (Toxic-Free Home) warns that half of the people tested are likely to have other bisphenols in their bodies as well, such as BPS and BPF, which are often used as substitutes for BPA. 

Ten years ago, the organisation drew up a report-proposal calling on the authorities to ban this substance in all materials used for food contact.  

Carlos de Prada, Director of Hogar Sin Tóxicos, is very concerned about the sample results that were collected by the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative. The director of the organisation regrets that in spite of the years that have passed, the European population is still at risk from continuous exposure to significant levels of BPA. 

He adds: "Years and years have passed in which only very limited measures were taken to reduce exposure to the substance. For example, in 2011 it was banned only in baby bottles in the EU while it still permitted the widespread exposure of the population, including pregnant women, through the presence of the substance in many canned foodstuffs".

How can BPA harm us?

Bisphenol A is known to cause numerous problems. It has been linked to neurodevelopmental effects, low birth weight, effects on immune development, sterility, obesity and metabolic disease, hormone-related cancer risk or cardiovascular disease.

What about alternatives to BPA?

The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative also highlights that BPA substitutes appear to show similar effects to BPA, and may even add to those of Bisphenol A, thus generating a so-called "cocktail effect". 

The most well-known are BPS and BPF, but there is a list of more than 200 substances used as "alternatives" that could also be problematic.

The real alternative

The safest alternative is to use endocrine disruptor-free containers, in other words, containers that do not contain toxic substances emitted by plastics.

Safe containers

When we think of safe containers, we think of glass or ceramic containers. It is true that they are the most popular alternative, but it is not always possible to purchase products in these materials due to their limitations in terms of fragility and weight. 

It is important to note that not all plastics are the same. Not all plastics release toxic substances. 

We should choose responsible materials: safe, certified and ethical.

More information

It is impossible to deny that we are surrounded by toxins. They are present in our containers, in our food, in our clothes, in our home and even in our car. The most important thing is to be aware and try to make conscious choices. To do this, you can learn more about toxins with the following books:


This information is based on available scientific information. These statements have not been evaluated by EFSA. Our water is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Alkanatur recommends a balanced and varied diet.

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