The number 1 indicates that it is made of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). It is commonly used in the manufacture of water bottles, sodas, juices, sports drinks, mouthwashes, cooking oil bottles, pillow and cushion rubbers, etc.
It is a highly transparent plastic. It can be coloured, can be used with food, but should not be exposed to heat. It is safe for one-time use only, and should then be recycled. The packaging should not be used after its expiry date. This is to avoid the risk of releasing residues of antimony and phthalates, a toxic substance that affects the kidneys, liver, reproductive organs, endocrine system and nervous system.
Plastic number 1 has been found to allow the accumulation of bacteria and the concentration of tastes and odours. Some studies have verified that PET bottled water contains different amounts of Antimony (Sb), Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Bromine (Br), Bisphenol A (BPA), Phthalates (such as Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate and DEHP), and the concentration of these substances in water increases with the hours of exposure to the sun, time and temperature of storage.
It is recycled to manufacture handle bags, carpets, furniture, coatings, fibres, car parts, and thick and fleece cloths.