What are the benefits and properties and why is it important to drink antioxidant alkaline water?

What are the benefits of antioxidant alkaline water? What properties does it have? What will it give me? Will I notice any improvement? These are undoubtedly the most common questions we have when we start to enquire about which water to drink and which is most beneficial for our organism.

Before we start answering the questions above, let's talk about why alkaline water is the water of choice: 

Alkaline water, natural water

Natural water, water from glaciers, mountains and springs, clean water without pollutants, is composed of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium,... These minerals of alkaline nature are the ones that raise the pH of water and therefore make it alkaline. 

If you want to know why consuming minerals in our diet is important, especially magnesium, we recommend you read our post about  Magnesium. Why it is so important and how to consume it.

"Ah, but then bottled water...?" Bottled water is more about marketing than about water. 

Most bottled water found in the supermarket is weakly mineralised and packaged in plastic. Translated into the language of truth: water with a low pH, a very poor supply of minerals, stagnant and stored in a container full of endocrine disruptors.

Benefits and properties of antioxidant alkaline water

Say goodbye to toxins

One of the main benefits you can get from antioxidant alkaline water is the elimination of toxins. This, in turn, provides many other benefits. When toxins are eliminated from the body, the body's cells become more oxygenated.

With this, we can help to rejuvenate our skin a little. It also helps to prevent a number of conditions such as constipation, neuralgia, stomach problems, etc. It can also help to keep blood cholesterol levels under control.

To help balance acids in the body

Drinking alkaline water can help to counteract acidity in the body, which in turn could improve our overall well-being. 

The human body is a near-perfect machine and has very efficient pH regulation mechanisms that help maintain a proper balance. However, and especially nowadays, due to the amount of acidifiers and pollutants we are exposed to, the body has to make an extra effort to maintain this proper balance.

When we say that we alkalize our body through alkaline water or food it does not necessarily mean that our pH in saliva or urine will rise. But it does mean that the bicarbonates in the blood will rise. The pH of the blood does not change, but the ability of the blood to neutralize the acid in the body is elevated.  

As we age we lose blood bicarbonates, which is an inevitable factor of aging. “The reduction of bicarbonate in the blood is the cause of aging and disease, not the result of getting older. As long as we replace bicarbonate in the blood we don't have to age so rapidly.” So argues Lynda Frassetto, Ph.D., of the University of California, San Francisco.

Bicarbonates enter the bloodstream only when the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, so it is important to drink alkaline water with a high pH. On an empty stomach the pH value in the stomach may be relatively high, but the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is small. Thus taking a high pH of between 8.5 and 9.5 of alkaline water will raise the pH of the stomach. This causes the stomach to respond with more hydrochloric acid, allowing more bicarbonates to enter the bloodstream. 

Another possibility is that the alkaline water can enter the intestine immediately, since there is no solid food in the stomach to digest. When this happens, the blood will absorb alkaline water into the bloodstream, given that there is no solid in the stomach to be digested. The blood will then absorb alkaline water into the bloodstream from the intestine when this happens. If alkaline water were taken directly into the bloodstream from the intestine, the acid buffer (carbonic acid H2CO3) would interact with the alkaline water to lower the pH of the blood and the acid buffer would become an alkaline buffer. 

An increase of bicarbonates in the bloodstream prevents aging and attacks degenerative diseases.

Natural antacid

Nowadays it is difficult to avoid acids. Our hurried lifestyle, stress, environmental pollution, poor diet... can unbalance our pH producing what scientists call mild metabolic acidosis.

Alkaline ionized water with its high pH helps digestion and improves our intestinal health.

It is recommended for cases of chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and diseases of the stomach or intestine.

Drinking alkaline water fights toxins, acid residues and wastes in the body, thus avoiding fluid retention, since the body will be balanced and the cells will not be forced to retain fluids to combat acidosis.

Reduces fatigue. Provides energy

Alkaline water is highly recommended for athletes as it improves the body's buffering capacity, reduces fatigue and regulates the acidity that comes with exercise.

When we do high-impact exercise, acids increase and this makes it difficult to eliminate lactic acid from the muscles. To avoid this situation, it is important to eat a light diet and hydrate with alkaline water before and after exercise.

SIf you want to know more about research and testimonials from athletes, please visit the following page:  Antioxidant alkaline water in sport.

Antioxidant properties

Alkanatur water is not only alkaline but also antioxidant. This helps to eliminate free radicals and improves our cellular health. Antioxidants are molecules that have the ability to give up an electron to free radicals so that they become stable again. This means that free radicals do not need to attack our cells in search of electrons, but can obtain them directly from antioxidants, thereby leaving our cells free of hard-to-remove debris.

In other words: antioxidants help to counteract our natural oxidation caused by age and the acids we are exposed to, as mentioned in previous sections. 


We have already discussed the benefits of choosing an antioxidant alkaline water for our organism. But what are the other benefits of choosing Alkanatur? 


The real impact of choosing Alkanatur filtration systems:

It reduces residues

We limit the use of single-use plastic by not buying bottled water and by using large litre capacity filters. Consequently, the impact is minimal

It saves money

Have you calculated how much you spend on bottled water each year? If you choose to use a filtration system, you will drink quality water and also save between 200 and 1000 euros per year, 

Quality and safety

Our products are made with the best materials for the safety and peace of mind of all our customers. We also hold numerous certificates attesting to the quality of our products.  

Scientific evidence

Our company invests more in scientific research than any other company in our sector. While promoting and supporting research in our country, we also demonstrate that we have the best water filtration and alkalinisation products on the market. 


This information is based on available scientific information. These statements have not been evaluated by EFSA. Our water is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Alkanatur recommends a balanced and varied diet.

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